MIC ! Mic is a mixed emotion for many people around the globe. For some it is the fear and for some people it is their strength. So what is a mic to me?! The relationship between mic and me did not have a good beginning...! I still remember my first day behind the mic, shouting and blabbering my speech and ended up crying in front the whole bunch of people as I got down the stage. But I didn't want to let down this relationship. There was some kind of attraction that was really strong in the magnitude that stuck me with the mic. I went to my best friend MIRROR to seek help. I asked him if its going to work? Ummm...yup definitely said the mirror . Ok then , then let me speak to you first before and go and meet him I said . I started speaking to mirror daily and thats how this love towards speaking and the urge to hold a mic grew. Now Mic has actually become my forever valentine! It gives me a kind of confidence and just reminds me " YOU ARE HERE TO ENTERTAIN " everytime when I stand behind the mic the kind of happiness I get is something eternal and ineffable. I always believe working for our own satisfaction is the biggest success and that is what I get when I am BEHIND THE MIC!


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