The beginning!

The Constitution of India 

All of know about our rights and fundamental rights. But who gives us these rights? It is The Indian Constitution. When was our it formed? Where is it located? How was it formed? Why was it formed? Let’s find out more about The Indian Constitution.

The constitution of India was adopted on the 26th of November, in the year 1949. However, it came to effect on the 26th of January, 1950. 26th of January is celebrated as the Republic Day of India.

It was adopted by the Constitution Assembly. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar,  the chairman of the Drafting Committee, is widely considered to be the architect of the Constitution of India. After, the adoption of the constitution, The Union of India became the contemporary and modern Republic of India

Fundamental Right

The Constitution of India provides its citizens with six fundamental rights. These rights are the Right to FreedomRight to Equality, Cultural and Educational Rights, Right to Constitutional Remedies, Right against Exploitation, Right against Exploitation. Recently, the Right to Privacy has also been added to fundamental right.


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