I realize this once when i ggrow up to be an adult, we all are living in a certain compartment of life where we completely forget how to laugh and live a happy life. Like aren't we doing that ? This mechanism of life is driving all of us so crazy isn't it and at the end of the day what we produce in it is nothing but the surplus of something what an other person sowed. 

Think of those days. Hmm well!, if you are 18 then a 3 years ago maybe, where we used go to dance classes, music classes, piano classes and all. And suddenly this board exams appears and our life would get twisted to something we never would expect.

From then we even get struck to this new normal and process life accordingly and suddenly when you are at your late life filled with lots of agony. The reason for this is that we never think about what we wanted to become as a kid. Well I never refer to the childhood dream of becoming a DOCTOR, AN ENGINEER or so and so. It is about not becoming someone, it is all about being a dacer, a writter or a musician. 

Passion is everything. It is something that defines you. It is something that would help you to realise who you are, so just give a little space in your room. It wil help you reach heights.


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