Whenever I cross the big bluish-white building, standing with no pink shades. I had stood for a while, admired its magnificence. The building is all going to be my next-door soon. This building was a mansion of a rich man, who is visited by his son once in a while. In recent times the count had come to as once in a year. I promise this will decrease soon. I was so confused at once. The mansion was all big, beautiful, and blue. One would fall in love with it at the first sight. I always asked myself, isn't the man residing in that big house the happiest man in the World? He has everything one should have to make a cheerful living. I was also thinking that something was missing in him and that was his face was all glowing with smiles, yet something I missed was life in it. Didn't all comfort make him happy? But why, why did I had this question…! I never on the same time wanted to ask this to him for any cause. But I got an answer for this as years passed and when I came to know, what life was. If money would give you the entire happiness in life, what about getting ice cream and sharing it all with your friends. What about a hand-in-hand walk with your loved one. What about a long drive with your dad to a destination that never existed? There are also a lot more that would make one happy. I never disagree with the fact that you need money to lead your life but is that all enough? The answer is no.
 I would like to put forth the point that in the attempt of earning a million dollars aren't we losing the small things that make big differences which would make you smile for no reason and which cost not even a penny or so?
I was very fortunate to shift my house next to the Big Manson after a couple of years. Now the point is the rich man is my neighbor. We share the same compound wall yet there is always a difference in the seasons we have. The Winter clouds in that big Manson never passed when we had different seasons. 
Sometimes I blame his son who left him all alone somewhere here. Lately, I understand that wasn't his mistake. He applied what he learned. To make the point a bit clear. Let me take you back to the past where this man taught his son that he had to study well, get marks, get into a good university, get a promising career. Now the question is, where is the term called HAPPINESS? Where is the term LOVE? I swear this is all he is going to teach his kids and they w  teach it to their kids. This would pass year after years and this is what many of us are learning and teaching. Don't you find this as the life of a machine that is accepting inputs and providing the desired outputs? It is okay for him to be alone and this according to him is  happiness yet, to be frank, this is not true happiness.
 I would teach you the thing in a different way, indeed the correct way. Life isn't just about living it, it is all about leading it. In life, it is all okay to learn, earn, live, work but it is also needed to know what would happen in your later life and what all you do now, make you happy for the rest of your life. It is something like your responsibility you should teach others that happiness is the most important thing to lead a life. People learn from you that earning and living should. 't a prime goal in life it is as similar as a machine-life. We are all man and not a man-made thing. it is always important to have a space for true HAPPINESS. It is okay, whether you earn a thousand or a million dollars, that never would define your happiness until you put your machine-life forth. There is a life beyond your race. There is a life beyond your fights to sustain the fast-moving globe. Which is called a SEARCH FOR HAPPINESS. 
So where is happiness found?  The answer is it is found in doing what all you imagine, doing what all you dreamt of as being a kid, what all you think non-sense, what all you think would make people around you HAPPY, what all you believe in the heart and so many things spend time on it bring it out, describe who you are. Teach people around you and ask them to learn the same to lead life and not just to live it. I am in the walks of searching HAPPINESS, THE TRUE ESSENCE OF LIFE. Trust me, it worth doing so. I am happy for what I am today and this is how I will be for the rest of my life. 


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