Hmm Well! If NOT NOW THEN WHEN? is the most common question asked across by people around you? It is a very simple question that makes a very serious and complicated impact on people's ideas about what they are doing. Like someone might go seriously into deep thinking like why do they even exist. And what is all their purpose on the Earth? A note to be made, behind the screen there are a million things that one should face despite this peculiar question. I know hmm hmm! it is unwanted to bring this note but I agree it is needed to know HOW TO FACE THE QUESTION?, so I decided before talking about the actual scenario that is happening around us, let me tell you how one should face this question and never get panic. Here you go...! Before even letting people ask you this question, just self assassinate you with the question. Oh, you ask HOW? well, don't act too smart. I know it's you who know all those pages of your dairies. Secretly keep asking this question to yourself, I completely agree with you when you are such a lazy person as me it is hard to start but as I told ask yourself the same question, IF NOT NOW THEN WHEN? things would go smoothly when you do it all for yourself. The next thing you have to do is stop asking people the same question. You see how hard you feel when you are being asked the question, so why, you want it to be posted to others and make them feel all discomfort. Put yourself in the position of others and think about what they would feel. It would make you avoid such things. The last thing is that NEVER MIND. I am seriously telling you when certain things, certain people ask it would be a real motivation and you can work upon it without any barriers you can find it all optimistic to do it on time but certain things that you hear, most of the time would make you annoying so hear, consider but never overthink. Most of all make a schedule, whether it works or what never bother, have it all ready. It is most important to be you in what all you attempt and never let your self-respect fade......!



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