A man and a women are born on this world have the equal number of opportunities. The doors are already open for men and some women but there are millions of women in the backlight who has the desire to make it out on to the spotlight. But those deserving ladies are pulled back by the society that points out always...saying that too.....much for a girl.! Uhh...seriously? A man is called to be settled once he is financially stable but in the case of the woman its not the same...she is never settled until she gets married. An undergraduate degree is mandatory for a girl and a postgraduate degree is something that's unwanted. It's never too early when a woman gets married but when she reaches the age of 21 and she is not married yet then the society around is going to bombard you with words....! A woman with a doctoral degree is mostly humbugged rather than being appreciated! It is always considered too much when a girl achieves something...I have always had this question in my mind WHY? Don't girls deserve to dream? Dont girls deserve to be independent? Is it only meant for boys to do higher education? Are girls not fit enough? People let's think for a moment and let's start giving the space that the girl deserves that the girl wants in her little own life...let her decide what she want to do in her little world...let it be her choice and let's start accepting it! Let's update this version of us TODAY! Because IF NOT NOW THEN WHEN?!


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