My vote is my right and not a product, selling my vote is like me falling into a trap for 5 years, We should actually think why does a politician, a complete stranger should pay each everyone of 1000's of pink and green notes without any profit. We have come across many cases, in which we can see that one's vote is cast illegally by another. This is purely done with the help of power and wealth. According to Indian voting law casting of another person's vote is illegal and punishable, but regardless to these rules we see a lot of such cases. Well, again this must be stopped. The causes to these problems are negligence in governmental operations. 

The government officials can strive harder to verify the identity of the person casting the vote. Just marking a person's finger with is not enough, someother methods should be followed such as Electronic vote count along with Physical Marking. These suggestions can make the voting process more complex. 

 A vote of a person is a right rather than an entertainment we must take it serious. We must take proper measures to see that our vote is being cast only by us. We must cast our vote in the prescribed time so that there is no place for some other person to cast our vote.

I will never let my vote be sold for money nor i will let my vote be casted by others.I have decided, what about you?? Well this brings up the question, If not now then when?!


REG NUM: 2013711031030


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