Have you travelled by public transport in India ? Of course if you are a resident, well you must have. Quite often, you must have noticed a few people who are a bit different. Atleast most of us consider them as wired and look at them with a sense of disgust. Yes, I am talking about the TRANSGENDERS you might have known them as LGBT Community People, Hijras etc.

Generally TRANSGENDERS are none other than human beings with both male and female hormones. They are just born with those! 

I personally believe that our behaviour towards them is not at all acceptable. Starting from the way we look at them till the way we treat them is not at all justified. We as straight human beings do not have some special ability or superpowers to be so dominant over them. I believe that each and every TRANSGENDER deserve the same respect as a male or female gets. 

To my astonishment I have seen TV programmes which showcase TRANSGENDERS with talents. I have noticed that those TRANSGENDERS who proved their talents and got an immense amount of respect. They were praised and awarded. Well that brings up the Question that Why they should be appreciated only in Once in A Blue Moon. Just like us they also have their own talents and we must support them to prove themselves.

The Earth that we are living in is now moving towards a phase of increasing gratitude and humanity. In this process we are obliged to treat them with utmost respect. 

Enough is Enough!! Enough of Teenagers mockeries at them, Enough of seeing them with a sense of disgust and Enough of maltreating them. If not now then when are we going to change, I believe this moment is the right time to do so.



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