Sharing is always caring...but what matters is the sharing the right thing. Imagine sharing a bottle of poison with our friends will this count.? No right. That is wat we are doing with our fellow animals when we visit zoo. We do it with a intention that we care for them. But what actually we are doing is something that is opposite to it. The intention of what we are doing may be good but the act that we are doing is not. Imagine a cow sharing the food that it eats with you. Will you take it? Will your body accept it?! The answer is a big NO right?! Then how do you expect the animal body to accept the food that is meant for the human digestive system.  The animal digestive system is meant to digest only certain food items. Feeding the animals with chips , food that has high salt content, fried items and even some animals and birds cannot afford to eat cooked rice. The spice level in our food is not suitable for the animal pallete . The intention of feeding animals may be right but the end product results in a great issue. Let's feed the animals but only with the items that the animals are supposed to be fed. Its ok even if we are not helping them but let's not create problems. 


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