My Helping Hands


It all started with an accident, don't worry it's not a car accident. One day my mom accidentally cooked a little bit more food than needed. After filling our stomachs we found two bowls full of food remaining. After a lonnnngggg discussion we decided to feed the hungry stomachs. I took the initiative to take the remaining food to the nearby temple and full hesitations gave it away to the needy ones. Here comes the enlightenment in my life. When I gave those food away the happiness in their faces, their kind words and their long live blessings made me feel like I've accomplished something great. To be exact I had not even felt these kind of happiness even after stealing my sister's cookie.

After this incident I literally got addicted. Today I'm a member of a NGO, A part of Stray dog rescue and adoption, An active donator. Well if the previous sentence didn't make you feel flabbergasted, I failed. I also wish to improve on my regular donation and also wish to be a member of a large public service committee.

You might think what do I get in return, well it's nothing in monetary terms but a lumpsum of emotions. It's an unexplainable feeling which one has to personally undergo it to understand. "No act of kindness, no matter how small it is never wasted".

Please do not consider this as bragging I'm just trying to induce you to donate. If not now then when are you going to start donating!!!!


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