Music....Music  is not just a word its an emotion to many of us. Music can drive us really crazy. That is what the strings do to  me. No matter how bad my day is its just my strings that lies on my bed mutters LEAVE IT DUDE! ITS TIME TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH ME! yup my strings speak to me.! loneliness is the best time to have our conversation..When I am with the strings I feel elated I feel blessed I can feel some kind of satisfaction that acts as a driving force to get through all the difficult times in my life. Everyday feels like a vacation when I have my weapon in hand. Things just disappear when the fingers tickle the beautiful black lady. The entire world goes out of focus when I have the black lady in my hands. She always fills the void in me. Whenever words fails music speaks. The strings are actually babies to me it will not sound good unitil you tune it properly. I forget to eat and drink when the black lady is with me . She loves me more than I do and I can sense it as she always attracts me from no where. Music is a food of life ..PLAY ON! GUITAR IS MY SYNONYM FOR PASSION!


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