The Talking Feet

 Thaiyum tha tha thaiyum tha ha...!!!

That's the sound my feet enjoys, well I can proudly say that I'm a dancer by PASSION. It has been my dream since childhood to be like Rukmini Devi, if not like her atleast a good classical dancer. Today I am an experienced Classical and folk dancer. 

I consider dance as an emotion instead of a talent. Dance makes me feel enlightened and also improves my mental health. While dancing I tend to get relieved from all my stress and feel as the most happiest person ever. The bird inside me which was sitting inside a cage feels like it has gotten free. All these mixed emotions makes dance my favourite hobby and also gives a feeling of so much excitement that if let free I would literally scream at the top of my voice that DANCE IS MY PASSION, AND I'M PROUD TO BE A CLASSICAL DANCER.

Let me tell you about my regular dance day. It all starts with a wake-up call at 4:30AM and a quick head bath and a wild rush to my dance academy without having my morning meal. When I reach there I'm welcomed by sweet scoldings from my Guru which seems like music to my ear. Immediately after hearing the music I'm called upon for MAKEUP- The Most Stressful Preparation. The layers of makeup on my face can be exactly compared to a full size sandwich. After the heavy makeup comes the dressup. Atlast too heavy GHUNGROO (Salangai) are hooked up to my talking feet.

The beauty of the dance is outspoken by the eye-catching face, colorful dress, pleasant movements, facial expressions and the rhythm of our Salangai. The struggle to make the outcome perfect is real, but this doesn't matter at all what matters is the appreciation we receive at the end.

If not now then when,will I spread the divinity of dance. Dance is now a part of  my life rather than just a passion. 


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