A page from 2020!

Each and every organism that is born on this earth deserves its own place to live on this earth. Humans are  no superior to them. Humans don't own this entire world. This pandemic was not only about self love but also about the societal love and the sense of responsibility that we owe towards the environment around us. People initially had on an opinion that this world is not safe for girls and women but now we are forced to be aware that its not alone women as human being but its women in any kind of form need to be protected.  This incident that happened in the city if seven islands shattered everyone's hearts. I was no exception to it. This page of 2020 made people of city of dreams to witness a tragedic incident in which a dog named Noorie was gang raped by brutal locals. This incident hit the alarms and made it mandatory for us to be aware that women in any form need to be protected. Yesterday it was Nirbhaya, today its Noorie then who is next in the line? It is the need of the hour for us to take care of each and every life on our mother earth, after all at the end of the day we belong to the same family. Now comes the billion dollar question if not now then when? Its the time to answer!


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