Yup...!! India has one of the finest and longest constutions in this world. We have made changes in the constitution over the years. But there are certain gaps in the Indian constitution too. GAPS?! What do I mean by gaps? Yes there are certain things that our INDIAN constitution does not cover. Did you know one of the world's longest constitution does not cover anything about FAKE NEWS! Yes you read it right. The indian constitution does not have any law enforcement for RUMORS! I personally believe self control is much more important than enforcement of laws by the government. The government may bring in so many laws but we have to abide to the rules and regulations. Here inorder to keep a balance in the society . Each and every individual should take part in this . The balance should be equal on both the sides. Laws are not necessary if we have high standards of self control.  Spreading rumors is one of the worst and sensitive matter. Rumors travel faster than light and spreads faster than forest fire. As the communication and information technology develops day by day the rate of spreading of rumors is also increasing in the daily basis. Let's try not to spread rumors. Better lets not speak about the things that we are not sure of. Let's always have a gentle reminder that there is someone's life behind every rumor that we spread. It have adverse reactions on them.


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