

  How to Know What You’re Passionate About? Finding what you are passionate about is a journey in itself. Don’t be frustrated if you don’t feel like you know yet. Keep trying new things. It will come even if you have to build it. If you find your passion, or find yourself hot on its trail, don’t give it up. What if you know what you have a passion for but you don’t do anything about it? This is the main problem with passion. You can have all the passion in the world for something but if you never do anything about it, that passion is useless. Maybe you work a good job that pays all the bills but it doesn’t allow you to truly follow your passion. You’re afraid of what will happen if you change things up. Yes, change is scary, but it’s not until we leave our comfort zone that we find what we’ve been missing out on.  You’re the author of your life. Don’t settle for the bare minimum just because it’s working out right now. You will never know what you’re truly capable of unless you push yo


  Success Starts with Passion Tip #1:  Focus on passion, not results. Tip #2:  Do your best work when nobody’s watching. Tip #3:  The less you care about your audience’s affections, the more your audience will be affected by your work. Tip #4:  Respect the process, and results will come. Next steps Change your mind.  Make a decision to consciously reject negative and envious thoughts, admitting these thoughts do nothing to move you closer to your goals. Dedicate yourself to passion, not the rewards. Commit to a practice schedule.  Just for a week, set aside at least 30 minutes per day to work on your craft. You may share your work, but stay diligent to the discipline of writing for passion. Create something people disagree with.  No, don’t be contentious for the sake of being contentious. But write with conviction, in such a way that can’t help but offend at least a few. This is an exercise in disabusing ourselves of constantly chasing others’ approval. Pick a fight. It doesn’t matter


I realize this once when i ggrow up to be an adult, we all are living in a certain compartment of life where we completely forget how to laugh and live a happy life. Like aren't we doing that ? This mechanism of life is driving all of us so crazy isn't it and at the end of the day what we produce in it is nothing but the surplus of something what an other person sowed.  Think of those days. Hmm well!, if you are 18 then a 3 years ago maybe, where we used go to dance classes, music classes, piano classes and all. And suddenly this board exams appears and our life would get twisted to something we never would expect. From then we even get struck to this new normal and process life accordingly and suddenly when you are at your late life filled with lots of agony. The reason for this is that we never think about what we wanted to become as a kid. Well I never refer to the childhood dream of becoming a DOCTOR, AN ENGINEER or so and so. It is about not becoming someone, i

MY PEN , is inked with soul !

Ever ver since I were a kid I was slightly an introvote and I would never talk to people around me. This never means that I was away from giving my opinion. but in forms of poems and yeah! This is something what people thought I am different from them and many started approaching it too but I never thought it too serious. Then there came those times of hardship. Where things were not quite good. The world of mine was different. I felt hard to sustain, I never thought people would be different like that and I had no ears to listen me. That is where I actually decided to write to scribble stuff read it all myself and cry laugh and share thoughts with my own self and my dairy. Then now it is being a real passion of mine. I never write to IMPRESS I WRITE TO EXPRESS. I hate people who judge my writings as I consider it as a reflection of my feelings and not just words so I take it so personal when they are been judged. I guess writing in more than a passion to me. It is a way I

My Helping Hands

  It all started with an accident, don't worry it's not a car accident. One day my mom accidentally cooked a little bit more food than needed. After filling our stomachs we found two bowls full of food remaining. After a lonnnngggg discussion we decided to feed the hungry stomachs. I took the initiative to take the remaining food to the nearby temple and full hesitations gave it away to the needy ones. Here comes the enlightenment in my life. When I gave those food away the happiness in their faces, their kind words and their long live blessings made me feel like I've accomplished something great. To be exact I had not even felt these kind of happiness even after stealing my sister's cookie. After this incident I literally got addicted. Today I'm a member of a NGO, A part of Stray dog rescue and adoption, An active donator. Well if the previous sentence didn't make you feel flabbergasted, I failed. I also wish to improve on my regular donation and al

The Talking Feet

  Thaiyum tha tha thaiyum tha ha...!!! That's the sound my feet enjoys, well I can proudly say that I'm a dancer by PASSION. It has been my dream since childhood to be like Rukmini Devi, if not like her atleast a good classical dancer. Today I am an experienced Classical and folk dancer.  I consider dance as an emotion instead of a talent. Dance makes me feel enlightened and also improves my mental health. While dancing I tend to get relieved from all my stress and feel as the most happiest person ever. The bird inside me which was sitting inside a cage feels like it has gotten free. All these mixed emotions makes dance my favourite hobby and also gives a feeling of so much excitement that if let free I would literally scream at the top of my voice that DANCE IS MY PASSION, AND I'M PROUD TO BE A CLASSICAL DANCER. Let me tell you about my regular dance day. It all starts with a wake-up call at 4:30AM and a quick head bath and a wild rush to my dance academy witho


Music....Music  is not just a word its an emotion to many of us. Music can drive us really crazy. That is what the strings do to  me. No matter how bad my day is its just my strings that lies on my bed mutters LEAVE IT DUDE! ITS TIME TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH ME! yup my strings speak to me.! loneliness is the best time to have our conversation..When I am with the strings I feel elated I feel blessed I can feel some kind of satisfaction that acts as a driving force to get through all the difficult times in my life. Everyday feels like a vacation when I have my weapon in hand. Things just disappear when the fingers tickle the beautiful black lady. The entire world goes out of focus when I have the black lady in my hands. She always fills the void in me. Whenever words fails music speaks. The strings are actually babies to me it will not sound good unitil you tune it properly. I forget to eat and drink when the black lady is with me . She loves me more than I do and I can se