
Showing posts from January, 2021


  Whenever I cross the big bluish-white building, standing with no pink shades. I had stood for a while, admired its magnificence. The building is all going to be my next-door soon. This building was a mansion of a rich man, who is visited by his son once in a while. In recent times the count had come to as once in a year. I promise this will decrease soon. I was so confused at once. The mansion was all big, beautiful, and blue. One would fall in love with it at the first sight. I always asked myself, isn't the man residing in that big house the happiest man in the World? He has everything one should have to make a cheerful living. I was also thinking that something was missing in him and that was his face was all glowing with smiles, yet something I missed was life in it. Didn't all comfort make him happy? But why, why did I had this question…! I never on the same time wanted to ask this to him for any cause. But I got an answer for this as years passed and when I


My vote is my right and not a product, selling my vote is like me falling into a trap for 5 years, We should actually think why does a politician, a complete stranger should pay each everyone of 1000's of pink and green notes without any profit. We have come across many cases, in which we can see that one's vote is cast illegally by another. This is purely done with the help of power and wealth. According to Indian voting law casting of another person's vote is illegal and punishable, but regardless to these rules we see a lot of such cases. Well, again this must be stopped. The causes to these problems are negligence in governmental operations.  The government officials can strive harder to verify the identity of the person casting the vote. Just marking a person's finger with is not enough, someother methods should be followed such as Electronic vote count along with Physical Marking. These suggestions can make the voting process more complex.   A vote of a person is


  SELF-WORTH 💜 We all know that we should love ourselves, but it’s not as easy to do as it may sound. DON'T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS It was one of the easiest and fastest way to make yourself unhappy by comparing yourself with others. So don't compare yourself to others which destroys your self esteem. FINDING SOMETHING ON YOUR OWN  Looking for you what you like to do, discovering and developing within it something special for yourself; the best way to love myself. TALKING WITH MYSELF  This is the starting point of LOVE MYSELF. When I talk with me, it comforts myself everyday. You maybe little shy at first, but don't you send these words of encouragement to yourself: " I'm doing well, I love myself". When we start loving myself, we look at the world with the warm heart💖             Don't sweat it, just LOVE MYSELF


  I was mocked, I was mocked, I was mocked!! I'm not a A graded student but I'm a A graded sport's player, so it doesn't mean both are same. Both the monkey and the fish cannot pass the same test of swimming. But it doesn't mean they are incapable. All it requires is to showcase our talent in the right place and at the right time. So do I!! We all have different fingerprints, none of us have the same fingerprints and it's unique in it's own, again So do I!! We all don't posses the same type of ability nor capability then how do you expect me to do so.  We cannot be weighed on the balance because the weighing criteria differs. It doesn't mean a person with low grades won't succeed in life. We can see living examples!! A famous quotes said by famous personality i.e; The best brains of the Nation may be found on the last benches of the class. My grades may not be high but my self-esteem was it was because of you beautiful people the self


A man and a women are born on this world have the equal number of opportunities. The doors are already open for men and some women but there are millions of women in the backlight who has the desire to make it out on to the spotlight. But those deserving ladies are pulled back by the society that points out always...saying that too.....much for a girl.! Uhh...seriously? A man is called to be settled once he is financially stable but in the case of the woman its not the same...she is never settled until she gets married. An undergraduate degree is mandatory for a girl and a postgraduate degree is something that's unwanted. It's never too early when a woman gets married but when she reaches the age of 21 and she is not married yet then the society around is going to bombard you with words....! A woman with a doctoral degree is mostly humbugged rather than being appreciated! It is always considered too much when a girl achieves something...I have always had this questi


One day my brother came up to me and was saying that he was heading to play. Suddenly when I asked him that if I could accompany him the moment frozed!!! Why not ?? Am I not supposed to kick that ball??? Will it not move when I kick it ?? Won't it be considered as a goal when I kick it?? STOP even I can bare the scratches, I can roar up back no matter how many times I fall. I bleed 3 days in a month, I don't die out of it. But the way I'm treated for being a player shatters me down and makes my heart bleed. I don't want to be celebrated, I just want some respect. Respect so that I can explore more, Respect so that I can achieve my dreams, Respect so that I can be considered as a normal human being.  My life here is not a BATTLE but, it's a WAR in I am a being THE CAGED WARRIOR. It's a dream of many here to step out and play, but only few does because afterall the society points out and says glibly that being a woman you are not supposed to do like that. I&#


 Have you travelled by public transport in India ? Of course if you are a resident, well you must have. Quite often, you must have noticed a few people who are a bit different. Atleast most of us consider them as wired and look at them with a sense of disgust. Yes, I am talking about the TRA NSG END ERS you might have known them as LGBT Community People, Hijras etc. Generally TRA NSG END ERS are none other than human beings with both male and female hormones. They are just born with those!  I personally believe that our behaviour towards them is not at all acceptable. Starting from the way we look at them till the way we treat them is not at all justified. We as straight human beings do not have some special ability or superpowers to be so dominant over them. I believe that each and every TRA NSG EN DER deserve the same respect as a male or female gets.  To my astonishment I have seen TV programmes which showcase TRA NSG END ERS with talents. I have noticed that those TRA NSG END E


 METAMORPHIC  A new year has a very special effect, it makes us feel like we have the chance to start over, to do things better this time, even to right all the wrongs in the world.   No matter how hard we want to, there's one thing we can never do and that's change the past. The past is gone . If the past seems too painful or even too boring then we switch over to the future, that place of infinite potential that we want to believe could be real, like wishful thinking or a daydream. We live in what-might-be or what-could-be.  Instead we can change our attitude. Fully accepting that the past is irreversible and the future doesn't exist means we can actually be in the present moment . It has never happened before and it will never happen again. And we have no idea what will come next.  The perfect day to let the past rest where it is and let the future take care of itself. To experience just this moment, to pay attention to the colors, sounds, smells and sensations. To pay a


  Hmm Well! If NOT NOW THEN WHEN? is the most common question asked across by people around you? It is a very simple question that makes a very serious and complicated impact on people's ideas about what they are doing. Like someone might go seriously into deep thinking like why do they even exist. And what is all their purpose on the Earth? A note to be made, behind the screen there are a million things that one should face despite this peculiar question. I know hmm hmm! it is unwanted to bring this note but I agree it is needed to know HOW TO FACE THE QUESTION?, so I decided before talking about the actual scenario that is happening around us, let me tell you how one should face this question and never get panic. Here you go...! Before even letting people ask you this question, just self assassinate you with the question. Oh, you ask HOW? well, don't act too smart. I know it's you who know all those pages of your dairies. Secretly keep asking this question to

A page from 2020!

Each and every organism that is born on this earth deserves its own place to live on this earth. Humans are  no superior to them. Humans don't own this entire world. This pandemic was not only about self love but also about the societal love and the sense of responsibility that we owe towards the environment around us. People initially had on an opinion that this world is not safe for girls and women but now we are forced to be aware that its not alone women as human being but its women in any kind of form need to be protected.  This incident that happened in the city if seven islands shattered everyone's hearts. I was no exception to it. This page of 2020 made people of city of dreams to witness a tragedic incident in which a dog named Noorie was gang raped by brutal locals. This incident hit the alarms and made it mandatory for us to be aware that women in any form need to be protected. Yesterday it was Nirbhaya, today its Noorie then who is next in the line? It is the need o