
Showing posts from February, 2021


  How to Know What You’re Passionate About? Finding what you are passionate about is a journey in itself. Don’t be frustrated if you don’t feel like you know yet. Keep trying new things. It will come even if you have to build it. If you find your passion, or find yourself hot on its trail, don’t give it up. What if you know what you have a passion for but you don’t do anything about it? This is the main problem with passion. You can have all the passion in the world for something but if you never do anything about it, that passion is useless. Maybe you work a good job that pays all the bills but it doesn’t allow you to truly follow your passion. You’re afraid of what will happen if you change things up. Yes, change is scary, but it’s not until we leave our comfort zone that we find what we’ve been missing out on.  You’re the author of your life. Don’t settle for the bare minimum just because it’s working out right now. You will never know what you’re truly capable of unless you push yo


  Success Starts with Passion Tip #1:  Focus on passion, not results. Tip #2:  Do your best work when nobody’s watching. Tip #3:  The less you care about your audience’s affections, the more your audience will be affected by your work. Tip #4:  Respect the process, and results will come. Next steps Change your mind.  Make a decision to consciously reject negative and envious thoughts, admitting these thoughts do nothing to move you closer to your goals. Dedicate yourself to passion, not the rewards. Commit to a practice schedule.  Just for a week, set aside at least 30 minutes per day to work on your craft. You may share your work, but stay diligent to the discipline of writing for passion. Create something people disagree with.  No, don’t be contentious for the sake of being contentious. But write with conviction, in such a way that can’t help but offend at least a few. This is an exercise in disabusing ourselves of constantly chasing others’ approval. Pick a fight. It doesn’t matter


I realize this once when i ggrow up to be an adult, we all are living in a certain compartment of life where we completely forget how to laugh and live a happy life. Like aren't we doing that ? This mechanism of life is driving all of us so crazy isn't it and at the end of the day what we produce in it is nothing but the surplus of something what an other person sowed.  Think of those days. Hmm well!, if you are 18 then a 3 years ago maybe, where we used go to dance classes, music classes, piano classes and all. And suddenly this board exams appears and our life would get twisted to something we never would expect. From then we even get struck to this new normal and process life accordingly and suddenly when you are at your late life filled with lots of agony. The reason for this is that we never think about what we wanted to become as a kid. Well I never refer to the childhood dream of becoming a DOCTOR, AN ENGINEER or so and so. It is about not becoming someone, i

MY PEN , is inked with soul !

Ever ver since I were a kid I was slightly an introvote and I would never talk to people around me. This never means that I was away from giving my opinion. but in forms of poems and yeah! This is something what people thought I am different from them and many started approaching it too but I never thought it too serious. Then there came those times of hardship. Where things were not quite good. The world of mine was different. I felt hard to sustain, I never thought people would be different like that and I had no ears to listen me. That is where I actually decided to write to scribble stuff read it all myself and cry laugh and share thoughts with my own self and my dairy. Then now it is being a real passion of mine. I never write to IMPRESS I WRITE TO EXPRESS. I hate people who judge my writings as I consider it as a reflection of my feelings and not just words so I take it so personal when they are been judged. I guess writing in more than a passion to me. It is a way I

My Helping Hands

  It all started with an accident, don't worry it's not a car accident. One day my mom accidentally cooked a little bit more food than needed. After filling our stomachs we found two bowls full of food remaining. After a lonnnngggg discussion we decided to feed the hungry stomachs. I took the initiative to take the remaining food to the nearby temple and full hesitations gave it away to the needy ones. Here comes the enlightenment in my life. When I gave those food away the happiness in their faces, their kind words and their long live blessings made me feel like I've accomplished something great. To be exact I had not even felt these kind of happiness even after stealing my sister's cookie. After this incident I literally got addicted. Today I'm a member of a NGO, A part of Stray dog rescue and adoption, An active donator. Well if the previous sentence didn't make you feel flabbergasted, I failed. I also wish to improve on my regular donation and al

The Talking Feet

  Thaiyum tha tha thaiyum tha ha...!!! That's the sound my feet enjoys, well I can proudly say that I'm a dancer by PASSION. It has been my dream since childhood to be like Rukmini Devi, if not like her atleast a good classical dancer. Today I am an experienced Classical and folk dancer.  I consider dance as an emotion instead of a talent. Dance makes me feel enlightened and also improves my mental health. While dancing I tend to get relieved from all my stress and feel as the most happiest person ever. The bird inside me which was sitting inside a cage feels like it has gotten free. All these mixed emotions makes dance my favourite hobby and also gives a feeling of so much excitement that if let free I would literally scream at the top of my voice that DANCE IS MY PASSION, AND I'M PROUD TO BE A CLASSICAL DANCER. Let me tell you about my regular dance day. It all starts with a wake-up call at 4:30AM and a quick head bath and a wild rush to my dance academy witho


Music....Music  is not just a word its an emotion to many of us. Music can drive us really crazy. That is what the strings do to  me. No matter how bad my day is its just my strings that lies on my bed mutters LEAVE IT DUDE! ITS TIME TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH ME! yup my strings speak to me.! loneliness is the best time to have our conversation..When I am with the strings I feel elated I feel blessed I can feel some kind of satisfaction that acts as a driving force to get through all the difficult times in my life. Everyday feels like a vacation when I have my weapon in hand. Things just disappear when the fingers tickle the beautiful black lady. The entire world goes out of focus when I have the black lady in my hands. She always fills the void in me. Whenever words fails music speaks. The strings are actually babies to me it will not sound good unitil you tune it properly. I forget to eat and drink when the black lady is with me . She loves me more than I do and I can se

Football my EVERYTHING

A desire fueled by passion will bring about the greatest results in life. I like to skateboard, but I don’t have the determination to push myself through broken bones and hospital visits. That’s why I’m not as good as I could be. I don’t have a passion for it. Passion can push you through difficult times because you don’t care what it takes to become better. We all have the ability to create whatever kind of life we want. The secret to living the dream is hidden in our passions and what we do because of them.  Football is my favorite sport. It is more than life to me. It my passion. It is also a famous sport all over the world. By playing football, we can keep our body strong, fit and flexible, to play football is a good exercise and good for health.   It's something really fun and sociable. Caio: Football is a sport that I like too much because it's... ... Everyone plays it and it's a good sport to play with your friends. I like football because it's a team

Bunk the JUNK

Junk food is said to be chips, patties, cold drinks, and fried foods that are eaten worldwide. The prevalence of junk food is increasing gradually and its addiction is seen most in children and youth. Junk food is very harmful to health while healthy eating is necessary for a person to be healthy. The Junk foods are attractive to look at and delicious to eat, while they have a very adverse effect on health. Junk food is made by cooking in dirty oil, which promotes many diseases. Consumption of junk food increases the problems of blood pressure, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. Only parents can stop the trend of growing junk food in children. They should find new and attractive ways to feed children with green vegetables and healthy food. Consumption of junk food is also like an addiction in which a person cannot quit immediately but his intake can be reduced gradually. We should gradually abandon junk food and move towards healthy health. Aysha Farheen

Junk and Crunch

  Junk foods mean the foods which are not good for health as well as body. They have great taste to eat and they can look very appealing. It attracts to all age of people. It has very little nutritive content but extremely high calorie of sugar or trans fat contents.  Today’s younger generation is eating more and more junk food and thus they are putting their lives at stake to satisfy their taste buds. Junk food is not beneficial at all because it produces side effects only once consumed and does not provide any nutrition to our body. It is therefore advised that parents provide healthy and tasty food to their children to prevent them from eating junk food. Junk food is becoming increasingly popular these days and the fast-food industry is growing rapidly. The reason behind this is that people are fond of junk food as it looks delicious and tasty. Ayeesha Farheen

Rule the RULER

    Do we ever think about it that what would happen if there is no law in society or in the state? I think it is difficult to survive if there is no law in the state or society. We always need laws to protect ourselves or others. Law is an ancient term as the society when society first-ever developed than we needed the law to regulate society or we can say for the Administration of Justice. Without law, we can't imagine regulating any state or society, without it we do not have civilization; we have chaos. Law is meant to protect people and property from harm. Without laws or rules, we can't imagine regulating any state or society. We can say that to survive with dignity and morality we need the law. Law governs much of what everyone does, day in and day out. It tells us what our rights and duties are, also with that it also tells punishment for breaking the law. So, we all know that we require the law to regulate ourselves, it is a primary thing that a society or


In ordinary parlance law means the rules which guide human action. In every community there is a body of customary ways for carrying social activities. These are clear-cut and definite. Otherwise, a good deal of time would have been wasted to meet the friction. These are a kind of unwritten code enforced by religious authorities or by the pressure of public opinion. These social standards sometimes assume greater significance for the purpose of the general welfare that some penalty is necessary for those who violate these customary laws. Then these customs cease to be purely social customs and assume political nature and become the laws of the land. These laws then virtually become the commands of the society. Their violations are met with penalty. In modern states law is an enactment made by the state. It is backed by coercion or force. Its violation is punishable by the courts. It stands for the will of the state. It exists to realise the purpose of the state. It regulate


I have played football for such a long time. I’ve always been defender and I love to do it. Sometimes I’m thrilled to bits when I go on the field. Nowadays, I play in a team called FC ItΓ€-Helsinki. It’s a combination team, which is composed of three teams, FC Viikingit, FC Kontu and Valtti. I’m originally from FC Viikingit.    I was about seven years old when I started football. Why did I choose football? I’m not sure. Maybe because my big brother played it. Or I just wanted to start something, and it sounded good. I don’t really remember, but it doesn’t matter. It’s my passion and I just love it.    So, we have four practises and usually one match in week. In our practises we do a couple of different exercises in smaller groups. We practise for example coordination and speed and all kind of stuff. We also play at the end of practises either in two smaller games or in the one big game.     Thanks to my hobby, I have got many friends. For example my best friends play footbal


 NATURE OF LAW πŸ“’ 1. Law is a general rule of human behaviour in the state. It applies to all people of the state. All are equally subject to the laws of their State. Aliens living in the territory of the State are also bound by the laws of the state. 2. Law is definite and it is the formulated will of the State. It is a rule made and implemented by the state. 3. State always acts through Law. Laws are made and enforced by the government of the State. 4. Law creates binding and authoritative values or decisions or rules for all the people of state. 5. Sovereignty of State is the basis of law and its binding character. 6. Law is backed by the coercive power of the State. Violations of laws are always punished. 7. Punishments are also prescribed by Law. 8. The courts settle all disputes among the people on the basis of law. 9. In each State, there is only one body of Law. 10. Legally, Law is a command of the sovereign. In contemporary times laws are made by the representatives of the peo


MIC ! Mic is a mixed emotion for many people around the globe. For some it is the fear and for some people it is their strength. So what is a mic to me?! The relationship between mic and me did not have a good beginning...! I still remember my first day behind the mic, shouting and blabbering my speech and ended up crying in front the whole bunch of people as I got down the stage. But I didn't want to let down this relationship. There was some kind of attraction that was really strong in the magnitude that stuck me with the mic. I went to my best friend MIRROR to seek help. I asked him if its going to work? Ummm...yup definitely said the mirror . Ok then , then let me speak to you first before and go and meet him I said . I started speaking to mirror daily and thats how this love towards speaking and the urge to hold a mic grew. Now Mic has actually become my forever valentine! It gives me a kind of confidence and just reminds me " YOU ARE HERE TO ENTERTAIN "

The beginning!

The Constitution of India  All of know about our rights and fundamental rights. But who gives us these rights? It is  The Indian Constitution. When was our it formed? Where is it located? How was it formed? Why was it formed? Let’s find out more about The Indian Constitution. The constitution of India was adopted on the 26th of November, in the year 1949. However, it came to effect on the 26th of January, 1950. 26th of January is celebrated as the  Republic Day of India . It was adopted by the Constitution Assembly. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar,  the chairman of the Drafting Committee, is widely considered to be the architect of the Constitution of India. After, the adoption of the constitution, The Union of India became the contemporary and modern Republic of India Fundamental Right The Constitution of India provides its citizens with six fundamental rights. These rights are the  Right to Freedom ,  Right to Equality,  Cultural and Educational Rights, Right to Constitutional Remedie


     The idea of human rights rests on the central premise that all humans are equal. It follows that all humans have dignity and all humans should be treated as equal. Anything that undermines that dignity is a violation, for it violates the principle of equality and paves the way for discrimination.  The human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people (LGBTI) are coming into sharper focus around the world, with important advances in many countries in recent years, including the adoption of new legal protections. The preamble to the Indian Constitution mandates justice -- social, economic, and political equality of status --   for all .  The right of equality before law and equal protection under the law is guaranteed in Articles 14 and 21 of the Constitution. In April 2014, the Supreme Court of India ruled in  NALSA vs Union of India  that the rights and freedoms of transgender people in India were protected under the Constitution; in September 201


 The immoral traffic (Prevention) act. According to statistics one out of every four women over the age of 14 are sexually assaulted atleast once in her lifetime. Very disheartening fact is that over 70% of rapes are committed by someone whom the women have known. Men are physically aroused to have sex due to their high satisfaction giving hormones. Many men know to control them and can stay in their limits with other women. But a very few lack the ability to have self control and end up misbehaving with women around them. When there's a problem there's always a solution to stop such rapes. Our Majestic India has loosened the rules regarding prostitution. For those who don't know a prostitution is a practice or business were people take part in sexual activity in exchange for money. According to The Immoral Traffic (Prevention)Act, prostitutes can practice their trade privately but not publically with subject to many strict regulations. This doesn't mean tha


     "You must abide by the law" this is the most used phrase in the modern quotes. We have all heard it mostly in films. Just so you know laws are legal rules and regulations issued by the government which are to be followed as per the guidelines. There are laws on everything you can think of. Dismiss, Property,       Relation, Sex and so many other laws. You might ask why Law?? Well we people are so notorious that if we are not in control we will go to any extent. These laws have been formed only after certain misbehaviour of common people. Example:- Scams in businesses, Gang Rapes, Maltreatment of lower caste people, Murder and many more criminal offences. These acts let to the formation of strict laws which prevent such mishappennings in the mere future. That's why we need to FOLLO(A)W IT. We Indians are so lathergic about laws these days. In my daily life I see many people breaking laws. I can give you a few examples like bit obeying traffic rules, maltreatm


Hey people! Last week I went to the UAE and you know what, the roads were so clean and the people were so perfect I just loved the country wish I stay there for rest of my life. The laws were really strict there I totally loved the way that government functioned. Haha these words...many of us have heard these a lot of time. But have you ever thought ,why don't these words refer to our country?! India having one of the world's finest constitution is still finding it difficult to maintain the law and order in the country.  When this is asked to the civils they glibily blame the constitution. But I personally opine that the problem is not with the laws. The problem is with us the people.  We do not show any interest in making ourselves aware of laws of the country nor do follow it. The laws of the country must be known by its citizens . It should be their Bhagavad geetha, Bible and Quaran. Laws are the building blocks of the country's order. It is the basic respons


Yup...!! India has one of the finest and longest constutions in this world. We have made changes in the constitution over the years. But there are certain gaps in the Indian constitution too. GAPS?! What do I mean by gaps? Yes there are certain things that our INDIAN constitution does not cover. Did you know one of the world's longest constitution does not cover anything about FAKE NEWS! Yes you read it right. The indian constitution does not have any law enforcement for RUMORS! I personally believe self control is much more important than enforcement of laws by the government. The government may bring in so many laws but we have to abide to the rules and regulations. Here inorder to keep a balance in the society . Each and every individual should take part in this . The balance should be equal on both the sides. Laws are not necessary if we have high standards of self control.  Spreading rumors is one of the worst and sensitive matter. Rumors travel faster than light and spreads f


 LAW  Law is a set of rules decided by a particular place or authority meant for the purpose of keeping the peace and security of society. An activity is illegal if it breaks a law or does not follow the laws . Why is Law important? Laws protect our general safety, and ensure our rights as citizens against abuses by other people, by organizations, and by the government itself. We have laws to help provide for our general safety. 19 Laws And Rights Every Indian Should Know 1. Motor Vehicle Act 1988, section -185, 202 2. Criminal Procedure Code, Section 46 3.    In dian Penal Code, 166 A 4.   Indian Sarais Act, 1887 5.    Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 6.    Home Violence Act, 2005 7.   Police Act, 1861 8.   Maternity Profit Act, 1961 9. Earnings Tax Act, 1961 10.    Hindu Marriage Act, Part -13 11.   Code of Legal Process, 1973 12.   As per the Citizen Constitution 13.    Automotive (Modification) Invoice, 2016 14.   Most Retail Value Act, 2014 15. Limitation Act, 1963 16.    Part 294 of t


Coffee is not just a drink, it is an emotion man. It is more than sharing dairy milk with your loved ones. Today I would direct you to make the best coffee in the world. I know every one of us would be a fan of KUMBAKONAM DEGREE COFFEE. Today, I will tell you a very different recipe which would be the best recipe one would have in your life. I learned it all from my THATHA and today I would share it all with you. THAT taught me to make two different ways of making coffee but I love black coffee. It is more than a feel of traveling to heaven man! Take a glass and add 2 teaspoons of BRU INSTANT. BRU was always our choice. Add 4 and a half spoon of sugar to it then add 2 tablespoons of hot water to it then beat it for a minute like KALAKU KALAKU AND KALAKIFY. Then add warm water to it I know you guys would ask me like why so bro? Coffee shouldn't always be drunk hot. If you are drinking it so hot how would you feel the real taste of it so how will you realize the taste of


I am all happy TODAY. I would love to share the super exciting thing that happened. Are you wondering what did even this girl do to be extraordinarily HAPPY? Well, I cooked! I am not a very excellent chef but I still enjoy cooking. To be honest, I really don't have any recipes. I know to cook instant noodles (MAGGI), Coffee, and simple things like this. So IDHUKU ENAMA IVALOO BUILD UP NUH? you are asking no, Yeah! I can hear you yet the experiences that one would get while cooking that too with your friend and that on a video call is something fun-filled. So yeah! I know you will quit reading this if I am not letting you know what exactly I am talking about, so I would here present you the cook with Vid and Ash episode. It was a mid-day in January. Mom and dad left out for a friend's get-together. I was home-alone that was the time when I found my stomach was alarming in hunger. I didn't know what I should do as I didn't find any snacks. That where I found Vidhya my fri


Sharing is always caring...but what matters is the sharing the right thing. Imagine sharing a bottle of poison with our friends will this count.? No right. That is wat we are doing with our fellow animals when we visit zoo. We do it with a intention that we care for them. But what actually we are doing is something that is opposite to it. The intention of what we are doing may be good but the act that we are doing is not. Imagine a cow sharing the food that it eats with you. Will you take it? Will your body accept it?! The answer is a big NO right?! Then how do you expect the animal body to accept the food that is meant for the human digestive system.  The animal digestive system is meant to digest only certain food items. Feeding the animals with chips , food that has high salt content, fried items and even some animals and birds cannot afford to eat cooked rice. The spice level in our food is not suitable for the animal pallete . The intention of feeding animals may be ri


GOOD FOOD GOOD MOOD   APPLE: Apples are a popular fruit, containing antioxidants, vitamins, dietary fiber, and a range of other nutrients. Due to their varied nutrient content, they may help prevent several health conditions. Apples come in a variety of shapes, colors, and flavors and provide a range of nutrients that can benefit many different aspects of a person’s health. For example, they may help reduce the risk of cancer, obesity, heart disease and several other conditions. BLUE BERRY : Fresh blueberries are a popular summer treat. They have a sweet flavor, and they are succulent and nutritious. Blueberries can be eaten freshly picked or incorporated into a variety of recipes. They can also be purchased frozen. They have been shown to protect against heart disease and cancer and can also help maintain bone strength, mental health and healthful blood pressure. AVACADO : The avocado is the fatty fruit of the avocado tree, scientifically known as Persea americana. It is native to Mex


 A HEALTHY OUTSIDE, STARTS FROM INSIDE  Eating is important, but eating healthy is more important. Here are some of the tips for healthy eating; Eating a wide variety of healthy foods helps to keep you in good health and to protect against chronic disease.  Eating a well-balanced diet means eating a variety of foods from each of the five food groups daily, in the recommended amounts.  It is also important to choose a variety of foods from within each food group.  Takeaway foods, cakes, biscuits and soft drinks are examples of foods usually high in saturated fat, added salt or added sugars. They should be considered as extras to your usual diet and only eaten occasionally and in small amounts. Daily food serves are different for children, teenagers, women and men.     IF NOT NOW, THEN WHEN ?